1. Avoid additional tooth loss

It's critical to realize that your teeth are anchored in place by adjacent teeth and their roots. This means that if you lose a tooth, the teeth that are close by could begin to shift and loosen up as a result. Getting a substitute tooth for the one you lost is the best strategy to stop further tooth loss. Many of our patients prefer dental implants because they appear and feel like natural teeth.

2. Stop cavities

When you lose a tooth, the teeth that were adjacent to it lose some of the support that was provided for them. As a result, you might observe that teeth gradually begin to tilt in the direction of the empty area or possibly become loose. You are more likely to develop tooth decay if your teeth shift. Plaque and the microorganisms that cause cavities have a lot of places to hide when teeth are crooked.


3. Boost Your Nutrition

You're having trouble consuming your favorite foods. Attempting to maintain a balanced diet after tooth extraction might be challenging. You must make an appointment with your dentist to contemplate dental implant surgery if you have only been consuming soft foods to prevent biting down in discomfort. You can be denying your body the nutrients it requires to stay healthy by avoiding some meals. For instance, if you aren't obtaining the vitamins and nutrients you require, it will be tough for your body to support strong jawbone tissue.


4. Avoid Jaw Degeneration

For a healthy jawbone, stimulation from tooth roots is necessary. But the pressure that a tooth was putting on your jawbone also disappears when you lose it. Remineralization is the process by which your body starts to reabsorb your jawbone so that it may utilise those nutrients somewhere else. We advise inquiring about the tooth implant treatment with your dentist in order to stop jawbone damage. When you lose a tooth, a dental implant will cover the gap in your smile and stimulate your jawbone in the same manner that the tooth's root would. In the long run, this preserves your face's contour by preserving the jawbone.

5. Spoken Communication

Dentures can slip and slide around, and missing teeth might even make you lisp. These factors all affect how you talk. The use of implants, whether they are covered by a crown or are part of implant-supported dentures, will maintain your dental restorations in place and enable you to speak as naturally as possible.

6. Keep more of your natural teeth

In order to place crowns on adjacent teeth for dental bridges, this requires filing down the teeth, which weakens the integrity of otherwise healthy teeth. There is absolutely no need to harm the neighboring teeth when using dental implants. This implies that your natural teeth can still fill up a gap left by a missing tooth while still maintaining their strong tooth enamel.

7. Have Self-Assured Smiles

Following the dental implant procedure, many of our patients report feeling more confident. You might try to hide your grin or even avoid making small talk when you have missing teeth. You can experience fake teeth that feel and look natural after the dental implant treatment. When you feel secure in your smile and are able to eat all of your favorite foods once more, you might be amazed by how much you start to enjoy life again.

Dental implants are good for your emotional health in addition to your oral health as they also boost ups your confidence level. So book an appointment with the Best Dentists In Canada for a dental implant.


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