How Diet Affects Oral Health


You already know that eating healthy meals is beneficial to your weight reduction and overall health, but did you know that it is also beneficial to your oral health? The foods we eat can have an impact on our oral and dental health.

Our nutrition and oral health are linked, and the rationale is simple: the same healthy foods that are excellent for our physical bodies are also good for our oral health.

Cavities in teeth are one of the most common oral health disorders caused by diet. Food sugars and carbs interact with bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid eats away at your tooth enamel, the firm coating that protects your teeth, leaving holes or cavities.

These cavities not only create bad breath, but also major oral health problems such as tooth decay. Eating calcium and phosphorus-rich foods can assist to mineralize or fill in any holes in your tooth enamel.

Oral Health-Promoting Foods
Milk, cheese, nuts, and meat are all good sources of calcium and phosphorus for strong teeth and gums. For people who cannot eat milk products due to lactose intolerance, green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach are high in calcium.

Water content is also high in fruits and vegetables. The water content serves to neutralize any sugars that, when mixed with bacteria in your mouth, can form acid, which can harm your teeth.

Sugary and acidic foods
Acidic foods can cause cavities and other oral health problems, such as canker sores. Tomatoes and citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons are high in acidity.

Sugar and carbs can be found in a variety of meals. Food carbs are broken down into sugars when consumed. Carbohydrates, like ordinary sugars, can become acidic when they interact with bacteria in your mouth.

When it comes to oral health, the same guidelines apply to drinks as they do to foods. The greatest drinks are those that are low in sugar, carbs, and acids.

The best drink for oral health is fluoridated water. Food particles are flushed from between teeth and fissures by the water. It also moisturizes your mouth by producing a lot of saliva, which helps to neutralize acids and bacteria. Fluoride aids in the restoration of any soft patches in your tooth enamel.

Professional dental offices are the best sources of Dental Care Services on which foods are best for your teeth and gums' health. Following a comprehensive examination, your dentist can determine the overall health of your mouth and recommend dietary changes to address any difficulties or concerns.


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