Can tooth sensitivity be prevented?


You might have consumed some ice cream or quickly downed some ice-cold water to satiate your thirst. What happened right away? Probably a brain freeze and a momentary toothache. It was probably not a nice experience. Some individuals, however, always experience sensitive and painful teeth.

Can sensitive teeth be avoided? How does one become sensitive?

Sensitive teeth can have a variety of causes, and most of them can be prevented to some extent. The enamel eroding off the teeth exposes the sensitive nerves and interior components of the tooth, which is the root cause of tooth sensitivity. The compromise of tooth enamel may be brought on by tooth decay or trauma.

Better dental hygiene and dietary decisions could have prevented many cases of tooth enamel deterioration. Failure to floss or inconsistent flossing can cause gum disease, which causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and expose the nerves. Too much or inadequate tooth brushing can cause tooth decay, which can affect the delicate tooth roots and nerves and remove layers of tooth enamel, exposing the nerves. Tooth decay and the deterioration of tooth enamel can also result from a diet high in sugary drinks and other liquids.

Other tooth decay causes could be even harder for a patient to avoid. Teeth can become cracked, chipped, or fractured in accidents that involve stress to the teeth as a consequence of a fall or impact on the face or mouth. The trauma compromises the durability and performance of tooth enamel in addition to ruining the patient's smile from these dental injuries.

Some individuals unintentionally clench and/or grind their teeth due to a dental condition called bruxism. The patient frequently experiences these teeth clenching and grinding at night while they are sleeping. Tooth enamel is harmed by constant grinding and pressure on the teeth.

Immediately after a dental procedure, teeth may also become sensitive, but this sensitivity is only transient. Tooth sensitivity can also be brought on by failing dental work, such as leaky fillings, and should be corrected as soon as possible to prevent further harm to the tooth.

Most of the time, maintaining good oral health and eating a balanced diet will prevent tooth sensitivity. The prevention of cavities and gum disease depends on brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. Use a soft to medium bristles toothbrush and carefully brush all tooth surfaces for at least two minutes when cleaning your teeth. It is very advised to replace one's toothbrush every three months.

Another essential component of good dental hygiene is frequent trips to the dentist. By preventing or treating dental problems early on, checkups and expert teeth cleanings every six months can assist patients in taking charge of their gum and tooth health. Patients with bruxism or those who play sports with a high risk of dental injuries might have mouth guards placed during routine dental checkups and examinations to preserve their tooth enamel.

Plaque that causes cavities and gum disease can be warded off with a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and white meat as well as lots of water. A balanced diet is also good for one's physical and emotional well-being.

Tooth sensitivity is unpleasant and may be a sign of a more serious dental health problem. Many times, maintaining good dental hygiene and eating a healthy diet will help you avoid having sensitive teeth.

In order to maintain appropriate dental hygiene and care, it is strongly advised that you call your dentist now to make an appointment if it has been more than six months since your last visit because searching for Dental Surgeon Near Me and not getting an appropriate result is not an answer to your, instead, book your appointment through any digital platform will the best possible solution to the question.


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